Amor – Frases de conquista (pickup lines) y música con Fernanda y Miguel

While I tried to break it down with ya’ll keeping it simple,…

Mi amor

Mi cielo

Mi flor

Mi linda flor

Mi corazón

Mi corazoncito

Mi muñeca

Mi vida

Mi rosa

Mi reina

…Mi jefa

Te quiero mucho.

Click here for the song “Respira el momento” por el grupo, Calle 13


Fernandita took frases de conquista to another level.

“La luna sale a caminar siguiendo tus pupilas”

…the moon [goes out for a stroll] following your pupils…


Sammy “el negociante” took this lesson very serious, and greatly improved with his lady-friend-meeting skills.


 20150219_204620Of course, Sixto didn’t really need any help, but enjoyed the class anyway.

And if all else fails, “Quieres bailr conmigo” always works. (Do you want to dance with me?)

Los Números, Los Colores y ¡Vamos!

Who would’ve thought Indians would be teaching Americans, Colombians and Chinese el idioma más romántico?! (The most romantic language)… Español!


Here is Amber, also known as El Campeón, teaching us Los Números. ¡Están abajo! (They are below)

0. Zero

1. Uno (NOTE: Uno before a masculine noun is Un, and before a feminine noun is Una. Por ejemplo (for example), Chico is a masculine noun meaning Boy. We know it is masculine because it ends in the letter “O.” Feminine nouns typically end in “A,” though not always… Therefore, ¿Would we use UN or UNA for Chica?)

2. Dos

3. Tres

4. Cuatro

5. Cinco




9. Nueve

10. Diez

We learned the question,

¿Cuántos años tienes? meaning, how many years do you have AKA how OLD are you!?

And you answer

“Tengo _____ años!”

SO most of us are in our twenties and thirties, so for now, just know 20 = Veinte, and 30 = Treinta

So I am 27. Therefore, “Tengo __veintesiete__ años.”    It’s easy, just add Veinte or Treinta before any of the numbers above!

Remember! – the ñ is different from your ordinary letter n. ñ (pronounced en-yay) can impact this question, as años means YEARS, but anos means anuses! yes that’s right. We also call the anus, “el culo” and butt cheeks are “las nalgas” >:-)

Then, Sammy “El Negociante Peludo” Bandy taught us LOS COLORES!


(¡El Negociante en acción!)

Blanco -White

Negro – Black

Café – Brown

Morado/Púrpura/Violeta – Purple

Rojo – Red

Rosa – Pink

Anaranjado – Orange

Azul – Blue

Verde – Green


El Negociante also taught the verb IR, which means to go

IR – to go

Yo Voy

Tu Vas

El/Ella Va

Nosotros Vamos

Ellos Van

We learned Nosotros means “WE” and “ÉL and ELLA mean he and she, respectively.

Vamos is a great word-

Vamos a comer! (Let’s go eat!)

Vamos a tomar una cerveza (Let’s go have a beer!!)

Vamos a estudiar (lets go study)

Vamos a ponernos borracho (let’s go get drunk!)

Vamos a la playa (Let’s go to the beach)

Vamos a ponernos pedo (lets go get wasted!)

Vamos a la fiesta (lets go to the party)

Vamos a bailar (lets go dance)

Vamos a echarnos unos tragos (lets go get some beers!)



El Negociante also taught us about compassion, in helping our fellow students learn the most romantic language, of friendship. Above El Negociante with Even, who taught us Mandarin.


El Club Español in action! See you every Thursday! 7:30pm Practice/Review session, 8pm Lesson 9pm Dinner!

Lección 2, Los Nombres, Las Frutas, La Comida, Los Lugares, Poder, Saber

¡Buenos Días! Hola, Chamacos! (Chamaco means “dude”)


CTX Spanish Club / ¡Club Español! Sharing Dinner after lesson 2. Next Lesson, Thursday, 7:30pm, International Hostel Classroom!

Te gusta la lección? (Do you like the lesson?)

¡¡Más o menos!! (more or less… or more like, “mehhhhhhhh!!”)


Ayer (yesterday) we learned a few things, but first you received “¡Los nombres en español!”

Akshay – El Fotógrafo Delgado (the skinny photographer)

Arniv – El Oso Grizzly (The Grizzly Bear)

Sammy – El Negociante Peludo (The Hairy Businessman)

Cheri – La Pantera Lista (The Wise Panther)

Eaton – El Tigre Sureño (The Southern Tiger)

Sixto – El Aventurero Atrevido (The Daring Adventurer) … Atrevido can also mean Sassy or Bold!

Carlos – La Montaña Dominicana (The Dominican Mountain!)

Amber – El Campeón del Ajedrez (The Champion of Chess OR Chess Champ! – because he won the XL/IIM Chess Match! this Year)

Neelesh – El Sabueso de Rajistana (The Sleuth/Detective/Blood Hound from Rajistan)

Pramod – El Tiburón Consultario (The Consultant-Shark!)

Ted – El Lobo Blanco (The White Wolf)

Get familiar with each other’s new “Nombres en español,”

La Comida – FOOD!!


La Fruta! – Fruit

La Naranja – Orange

La Banána O El Plátano – Banana

Las Uvas – Grapes

La Carne – Meat

La carne de pollo – meat of chicken

La carne de res/vaca – beef

La carne de puerco/cerdo – pork

El huevo – egg

La carne de tiburón – Shark meat!

Las Bebidas – drinks

El Vino – wine

La cerveza – beer

el jugo – juice

la leche – milk

el café – coffee

el té – tea

Los Lugares – Places

La escuela – school

La sala de clase – class room (“the room of class”)

El dormitorio – bedroom

La casa – house

La oficina – work office

Verbos – Verbs!

Poder – to be able to do

Yo puedo – I can

Tú puedes – you can

Yo puedo comer la comida de la India ( I can eat food of India!)

¿Puedes comer la comida de la indai? (Can you eat food of india?)

Aprender – to learn

Yo aprendo – I learn

Tu Aprendes – you learn

Madre/Padre: Mira (look!), mijo (mijo = mi+hijo = my+son), we are paying all this dinero($$) for you to go to get your MBA at XLRI, ¿Qué aprendes? (What [do] you learn?)

Akshay: Madre, Padre, ¡aprendo el español!

Saber – to know (a fact, NOT a person)

Yo sé – I know

Tú sabes – you know

¿Sabes? Can mean “you know?” but also used like a phrase meaning, “understand?” or “get it?!”

Arniv: Los Americanos no pueden comer la comida de la India, ¿sabes?

Sammy: Yo sé! Pero soy Hondureño. Yo Puedo comer(la)


Arvin: Americans can not eat Indian food!

Sammy: I know! But I am Honduran. I can eat(it).


Akshay Teaching Sammy Pronunciations…. “In Hindi, it’s Thea!, not “Tea!”


Otras Palabras / Other words

Siempre – always

Siempre me gusta comer la comida de la india

I always like to eat Indian food

Borracho/a – drunk!

Estoy borracho (por la educación)- I am drunk! (on education!)

Importar – to be important

¡No me importa! – It is not important to me!

Remember, this is like Gustar or Encantar. The verb happens to the “me/I” or the “te/you.”

Me importa mucho! – It is very important (to me)


Sixto, saying “hola” to Catherine.

OR actually, she’s about to show off her martial arts skills…

Jan 29, 2015 CTX ¡Spanish Club!

¡Hola chicos!

Today we learned some basic:

Ser = to be (job, name, permanent things)

Soy = I am

Eres = You are

Estar = to be (emotional states)

Estoy = I am

Estás = you are

¿Cómo estás? = How are you

Estoy ….___Bien (good/okay)____ (or we can say, “Mal” for bad, “Cansado” for tired” or “Ocupado” for busy)

Gustar = “To be pleasing” ( remember, in Spanish we don’t take responsibility! j/k)

gusta = “it is pleasing”

so if we add “me” (which sounds like the month, May and not ME like in English) we have:

me gusta = I like, or literally, “it is pleasing to me”

Akshay likes Cerveza, so he said “me gusta cerveza.” Cerveza is beer.

We learned the following words:

No = No (at a party, and Spanish)

Sí = yes (notice the “accent” above the letter i)

Pero = “but”

Y = and

O = or

we can add “no” before a verb to make it negative.

No me gusta cerveza = I do NOT like beer.

Tener – to have

Tengo – I have

Tienes – you have


Cat = Gato

White = Blanco

¡Es un gato blanco!

(he) Is a white cat!

20140601_173037Fútbol = Soccer

Me gusta el fútbol – I like soccer

(notice the article, “el”… we’ll cover that next week, but it is sometimes required)

20140527_141623 That’s My dad, or “mi padre” He is a bit of a carpenter, so would we say “Estás carpintero?” or would we say “Eres carpintero?”

Answer: we would say ERES Carpintero, because the SER “to be” (which is where Soy and Eres come from) relates to permanent things, like name, and job, and where you are from (¡Soy de la India!)


Me gusta Comer. I like to eat.


This is and old friend of mine D’shawn, from Detroit, Michigan. Check out this conversation we never had!

Miguel: Hola chico, ¿cuál es tu nombre?

D’Shawn: Hola Miguel! Soy D’Shawn!

Miguel: Placer! (pleasure to meet you) D’Shawn, ¿de dónde eres?

D’Shawn: ¡Soy de Detroit!

Miguel: D’Shawn, ¿te gusta la guitarra (guitar)?

D’Shawn: Sí, Miguel, ¡me encanta** la guitarra!

**encantar is a word just like gustar, so use it the same way…. “me encanta ___comer___” = I LOVE to eat 🙂
